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September 02, 2014

Book of the Week: A Pick by Erik van der Weijde

Book of the Week Book of the Week: A Pick by Erik van der Weijde Artist and publisher Erik van der Weijde selects Entre Entree by Stephan Keppel as photo-eye Book of the Week.
Entre Entree. By Stephan Keppel.
Fw: Books, 2014.
This week's Book of the Week pick comes from artist and publisher Erik van der Weijde who has selected Entre Entree by Stephan Keppel published by Fw: Books.

"Leafing through this book feels like entering a suburban rabbit hole. I go inside and stay outside at the same time. Somewhat boring photographs of concrete and plants, textures and surfaces and other reproduced reproductions compose this singular view on the Parisian suburbs. By holding the book you can actually feel that the publisher Fw: Books and Stephan Keppel are a very good match.

Although my mother would not appreciate or understand this work, it contains many of my own favorite ingredients: concrete and plants, architectural structures, a clean concept and design, a unique choice of papers, quality printing, an understated photography and all of this in a suburban setting…

The concept of Entre Entree is quite clear, to try to reproduce the suburbs of Paris. This research on both suburban structures and reproduction reads like an ongoing translation, back and forth, between the 2- and 3-dimensional: One of the cores and most difficult aspects of photography. Keppel's previous book Reprinting the City (Fw: Books, 2012) drew upon the same process with a similar density. His body of work and methods can be compared to Jochen Lempert: An understated and meticulous use of photography and reproduction, where idea and form are inseparable.

The artist shows his unique vision on a non-spectacular, but essential part of a city by using his own craftmanship combined with the visionary help from graphic designer Hans Gremmen. I believe their professional dialogue has pushed this work to new heights and will become a benchmark in artist's (photo) book production."—Erik van der Weijde

Purchase Signed Book

Entre Entree. By Stephan Keppel. Fw: Books, 2014.
Entre Entree. By Stephan Keppel. Fw: Books, 2014.

Erik van der Weijde is an artist and founder of publishing house 4478zine. Originally from The Netherlands, he has been living in Brazil for many years. His artist books draw upon a wide range of subjects, from Brazilian modernist architecture to his own family and from German Nazi history to stuffed animals.

See more Book of the Week picks

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