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March 27, 2015

In Stock at photo-eye: Sale

Books In Stock at photo-eye: Sale Four titles on sale from Martin Boyce, Agnieszka Rayss, Nicolas Guiraud and Sara Blokland, all in stock at photo-eye Bookstore.

A Partial Eclipse
By Martin Boyce published by MACK
$80.00 SALE $59.95 — Purchase Book

"A Partial Eclipse brings together photographs from an on-going private library of images which feeds into Boyce’s work. The images adopt a sombre and darkened palette, as if the light has been stolen from each photograph creating the illusion of a mythical perma-dusk allowing us to see the world as Boyce sees it. Images of trees and foliage permeate the collection, ellipses and perforations reoccur, patterns of cracks, fractures and spider webs repeat and thresholds appear in the form of windows and doorways."—the publisher

American Dream
By Agnieszka Rayss published by ProFotografia
SIGNED $45.00 SALE $36.00 — Purchase Book

"Couple years ago I started shooting a new phenomena in Polish popular culture  the bombastic castings for TV shows, cheerleaders performing at sport stadiums, open and mass auditions for top models. The changes were on the way.

I decided to document this phenomena and follow the masses of girls answering to the call of the media in the pursuit of excellence in the mediocre East-Central Europe. I entered the universal world of striving for perfection and, to my surprise, I found it appealing to myself."Agnieszka Rayss 

By Nicolas Guiraud published by Poursuite Editions
$50.00 SALE $35.00 — Purchase Book

"In less than 200 years man has altered life on earth forever. The Anthropocene is the new geological age, an age in which the human species has become the prevailing geophysical force dominating all other natural forces that have hitherto impacted upon the earth.

In geological time (4.5 billion years) 200 years represent a few seconds in the lifespan of a human being. A few decisive seconds. This staggering acceleration in our planet’s evolution suggests that we have passed the tipping point, that humanity’s end has moved suddenly closer, that our biological survival is at stake."—the publisher

The Police Band of Suriname
By Sara Blokland published by Van Zoetendaal Gallery
$60.00 SALE $36.00 — Purchase Book

"The police band in Suriname cannot pride itself on being the oldest band in Suriname, nor even that it is very old, but it can take pride in having become an integral part of the social and cultural life in Surinamese society. The band has always been of great significance to the musical life in Suriname not only because of the weekly concerts they gave in The Park and on the former Government Square but also because of their repertoire. Photographer and artist Sara Blokland has followed the band and pictured in an untraditional way the history of the band and the people encountered by them."—the publisher

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