"The Voyeur’s Gambit is a collaborative project between Christian Michael Filardo and Angelo Harmsworth. Housed in an opaque black plastic envelope, thirty of Filardo’s photographs are paired alongside 5 of Harmsworth’s musical numbers. The photographs are individual prints — hole punched in the corner and bound with a ring clip. The music is housed on a custom laser engraved USB. While the production is minimalistic, the impact that The Voyeur’s Gambit leaves is great.
Less a traditional book than it is an art object; The Voyeur’s Gambit rejects the notion of a set photographic sequence. Photographs and songs alike are experienced in a loop, a loop that can easily have its components re-arranged and altered. Images become disconnected memories — all inter-related — yet still individual fragments of a larger dream. Time becomes cyclical as Harmsworth’s ambient compositions become a timeless melancholy soundtrack. This book invites viewers to become lost in time and engrossed in a stranger’s memories.
While the abolishment of a set photographic sequence is something to be admired while viewing this publication, the images themselves bring the work to life. The images seem to have an air of haunting stillness to them. A surreal tone lies underneath every print. Drones fly over cactuses and shredded blue plastic clings to barbed wire. This book is incredibly personal, yet very nondescript. A melancholy poem presents scattered fragments of life, without ever fully connecting the dots between them — instead, letting the viewer find their own meaning as they cycle through the images.
Untimely, The Voyeur’s Gambit is a transformative object. Each viewing of the piece will resonate differently and have a unique impact. Whether you choose to quickly cycle through the images, get lost in the ambient soundtrack, or spend hours recreating your own photographic sequence, this small book is sure to engage and captivate." — Forrest Soper
Purchase Book
The Voyeur's Gambit. By Christian Michael Filardo and Angelo Harmsworth. Lime Lodge, 2017. |
Forrest Soper is a photographer and artist based out of Santa Fe, New Mexico. A graduate of the Santa Fe University of Art and Design, he also has previously worked at Bostick & Sullivan. Forrest is the Editor of photo-eye Blog.
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